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Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Two Forces of Motivation

Motivation is the thought form or energy that propels us towards an action or a set of actions. In our modern day society many attempt to be 'motivated' or have 'motivation' in order to achieve vast sums of wealth or success. A whole industry relies upon these forces and hopes to promote many motivational type services to these people. Many people seek motivation to achieve their goals because often, they do not have the required motivation within them. Those that are motivated naturally tend to secure well paying and successful jobs and or careers but it's important to note that motivation isn't only tied to money driven pursuits.

Sports people have to be motivated in order to achieve their successes. Unless they are motivated they would not have the dedication and the discipline that it takes to achieve their personal goals. Many sports people have said that it was their motivation, drive and determination that took them to the top of their field.

Many of our professions attract people because of their motivation to make a difference. For example, doctors and nurses need to be motivated by the wish to help people in order to have the dedication and tenacity to endure the many years of study. People that join the police force do so because they are motivated to keep the public safe. It also takes great motivation, will power and discipline to become a successful sales consultant because one must hear 'no' a hundred times before they hear a 'yes'.

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that comes from the activity that you partake in. A motivation that is derived from the simple act of whatever you choose to do. A doctor works to cure sick people and this act can give him further motivation to continue to act in the way.

Extrinsic motivation is the type whereby the motivational forces come from outside of the person. A good example of this is the pursuit of money. People act in a certain way because they believe money will be given to them as long as they continue striving and working away at such an objective. Many people will strive for more motivation, and go on to research heavily into the field in the need to obtain more of it to reach their goals. Many will purchase motivational programs, and audio discs or go on to attend motivational seminars and the like. In the last twenty years it can be said that a whole new industry has been formed. This self help or motivational industry has been formed to serve the new needs of people requiring more motivation.

Motivation is a powerful force that can drive a person to achieve great things. Without motivation, there would be no progress both from a personal perspective and a worldly perspective.

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The Two Forces of Motivation

Motivation is the thought form or energy that propels us towards an action or a set of actions. In our modern day society many attempt to be 'motivated' or have 'motivation' in order to achieve vast sums of wealth or success. A whole industry relies upon these forces and hopes to promote many motivational type services to these people. Many people seek motivation to achieve their goals because often, they do not have the required motivation within them. Those that are motivated naturally tend to secure well paying and successful jobs and or careers but it's important to note that motivation isn't only tied to money driven pursuits.

Sports people have to be motivated in order to achieve their successes. Unless they are motivated they would not have the dedication and the discipline that it takes to achieve their personal goals. Many sports people have said that it was their motivation, drive and determination that took them to the top of their field.

Many of our professions attract people because of their motivation to make a difference. For example, doctors and nurses need to be motivated by the wish to help people in order to have the dedication and tenacity to endure the many years of study. People that join the police force do so because they are motivated to keep the public safe. It also takes great motivation, will power and discipline to become a successful sales consultant because one must hear 'no' a hundred times before they hear a 'yes'.

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that comes from the activity that you partake in. A motivation that is derived from the simple act of whatever you choose to do. A doctor works to cure sick people and this act can give him further motivation to continue to act in the way.

Extrinsic motivation is the type whereby the motivational forces come from outside of the person. A good example of this is the pursuit of money. People act in a certain way because they believe money will be given to them as long as they continue striving and working away at such an objective. Many people will strive for more motivation, and go on to research heavily into the field in the need to obtain more of it to reach their goals. Many will purchase motivational programs, and audio discs or go on to attend motivational seminars and the like. In the last twenty years it can be said that a whole new industry has been formed. This self help or motivational industry has been formed to serve the new needs of people requiring more motivation.

Motivation is a powerful force that can drive a person to achieve great things. Without motivation, there would be no progress both from a personal perspective and a worldly perspective.

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What is Motivation?

Motivation is the characteristic that helps you achieve your goal. It is the drive that pushes you to work hard and reach whatever it is that you are after. It is the energy that gives you the strength to get up and keep going - even when things are not going your way.

Unfortunately, we cannot buy motivation - it is not something that is bottled up and sold in shops. The good news though is that we can all cultivate this 'motivation'. The only thing we need though is a desire to change. We then need to work on ourselves, conquer our fears and push ourselves forward to reach our desired destination.

Motivational books are one of the prime ways through which you can motivate yourself. Listening to some inspiring music is another way - attending motivational seminars can also have good, long lasting effect on your lives.

Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic (internal and external) - With extrinsic motivation, you are motivated by rewards from an external source - you will be inspired by the recognition that you will get from external sources. Intrinsic motivation is something internal - you are motivated to reach your goal for your own internal benefits - Example - reading a book so that you can get the grade you are after versus reading a book so that you can learn something.

Intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation. But for many finding intrinsic motivation is not easy - it has to come from inside out. But once you get it, intrinsic motivation is much more powerful than the extrinsic.

Levels of motivation can go up and down. When you are down, it is important to work on yourself, by reading books or whatever helps you, and get your motivation levels up. Otherwise you lose the purpose in your life and it can affect your mental and physical health.

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Beyonce Video Phone Premiere:New Music Video Ft. Lady Gaga

Beyonce Video Phone Premiere:New Music Video Ft. Lady Gaga – Beyonce/Lady Gaga “Video Phone (Extended Remix),” music video will premiere any moment now.The clip will be featured on the diva’s “I Am…Sasha Fierce” Deluxe Edition that will be released on November 23 and will contain five number one hits and two bonus tracks.The singer will drop a DVD, entitled “I Am…Yours: An Intimate Performance At Wynn Las Vegas” the same day.You will be able to watch Beyonce/Lady Gaga “Video Phone (Extended Remix),” music video after the jump.

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10 Ways to Motivate Yourself

Wish we could all stay motivated forever - but we all know that that is not possible. There are however steps you can take to get yourself back into groove sooner rather than staying low for long periods of time. Here are my top ten ways to get yourself motivated:

1. Motivation Books: This is my number one tip. Books written by experts are full of tips and strategies to motivate you. True motivational stories are inspirational.

2. Motivational Music: Music can always do wonders to your mood - Buy good motivating CDs, MP3s or download from iTunes. You can just let It play in the background and continue doing your work. I like to listen to positive music - irrespective of whether or not I need a dose of motivation.

3. Audio Books: These again can be played in the background - does not require too much of your involvement (like books). Listening to interview podcasts with successful people is another effective method.

4. Take a Walk: Sometimes just getting away from you work and taking a walk can be very effective. It refreshes your mind and helps you get clarity on issues at hand.

5. Motivational Quotes: Just a few well written quotes can do wonders to your mood. This is why desktop calendars with good quotes are so popular. Reading a quote at the start of the day can help you start your day on a positive note.

6. Past Successes: Remember your past successes. Remind yourself how you worked through the obstacles and achieved your goal at the end. This can be quite uplifting.

7. Become Picky: Be very picky about the type of news you consume (in the media). Too much television or too much depressing news can have negative effect.

8. Break Up Your Goal: Break your goal into simple actionable steps. Do a few easy ones first. Once you can actually see what it will take to get your goal, things will seem far more attainable.

9. Deadline: Set yourself a deadline - share with others that you plan to finish something before a certain day.

10. End Result: Spend some time thinking and listing down all that you will gain by moving ahead on a project - at the same time also list down what you will lose by working on a project. Sometimes just seeing it all paper can work miracles on your mind.

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The Lazy Man's Steps to Becoming Self Motivated

It took great effort and careful planning for me to get off my duff and become a self-motivated person. To be successful, you must be able to motivate yourself. The steps I am about to share with you, I learned from my own experience and by observing the methods of some very successful people.

Figure out your “why”

Successful, motivated people always have a “why”. Determine what your “why” is. What part of your lifestyle would you really like to change? What parts of your life are you really, really tired of? Pinpoint these issues.

Here is my first list of “whys”

• I needed to spend more time reading and learning

• I wanted to make healthier choices in my eating and exercising.

• I was desperately tired of being inundated by a massive debt load.

• I was tired of being obligated to drive through the busiest traffic of the day and spend the best part of my day at an office surrounded by negative people that I really didn’t care to spend my time with.

• I was tired of telling my 12 year old son that I couldn’t afford the faster racing go kart or parts that would make him more competitive with the other racers.

• I was tired of hauling his kart and equipment in the back of our pickup instead of in a nice enclosed trailer like the other racers had.

• I didn’t want to be an “average joe”, or what I call “the cream of the crap”

Put a picture to your “why” ”

Once you have identified what your “why” is, put a picture to it. What would it look like if you already had the results that you attained by achieving your “why”. Spend several minutes every day visualizing those pictures. Play them in your head like a little movie.

I can see myself pulling in to my parking area in the pit at the kart racing facility with my 1-Ton GMC diesel pickup pulling a 20 foot enclosed trailer. When I open the rear fold down door, I roll out 3 matching karts. All of them are brand new and each has a different style of engine to run in 3 different classes. One runs a Yamaha KT100, one runs a TaG motor, and the 3rd is an 80cc shifter kart. As I peer into the back of the trailer, I see a workbench with cabinet drawers where I keep all my tools and spare parts neatly organized… get the point. See things as you wish for them to be.

Make some simple changes”

Start by making some simple changes in your routine. Don’t set yourself up to fail by trying to make sweeping changes that you can’t possible keep up with. Begin small, develop habits, and grow from there. Here are some suggestions that may help you get started.

Drink at least 2 quarts of water every day. I couldn’t believe how much more energy I had during the day after I began doing that. In addition, I have not gotten a cold or the flu since I started drinking water like that.

If you have a pattern of skipping breakfast, as many do, purchase some protein powder and begin to drink protein shakes as a substitute for breakfast that you can drink in the car during your commute. It is commonly known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are good reasons that you should not skip this meal. This is a quick and simple way to get some nourishment to start your day right without taking time out to prepare and eat a meal.

Go on a 30 day fast from television. You would be surprised how much time can be recovered by eliminating TV. Use that time productively. It can be utilized much better on physical exercise, playing games with family members, reading personal development information, starting and developing a part time income producing activity, or working on projects around the home. I guarantee, you will feel much better about yourself when you involve yourself in these types of activities than if you spend three hours watching “Wheel of Fortune”, and reruns of “Friends”.

Create a detailed daily schedule (and stick to it) ”

Here is a sample of my schedule for one day during the week while I was still working at my job before my part time business had grown enough to become my full time income.

5:30 Alarm goes off. Spend 15 minutes visualizing success.

5:45 Shower, Shave, Dress for success, Breakfast drink

6:15 Scripture reading and prayer for 30 minutes

6:45 Leave the house for a 15 minute commute to work.

7:00 Job

10:00 Break time – spend 15 minutes walking and visualizing success

12:00 Lunch time – find a quiet location to read training material for business

1:00 Resume working at job

3:00 Break time – another 15 minute walk and more visualizing

4:00 Leave work for 15-30 minute commute home (any necessary errands can be run during this time before I arrive home.

4:30 Home based business for 3 hours.

7:30 Eat dinner and spend time with family (children’s homework, walking, games, etc.)

9:00 Spend an hour reading self improvement material and journalizing

10:00 Sleep

Write down a schedule for each day of the week. Be sure to schedule time for everything that is important. It is critical that you make time to do things with your spouse and your children. Never overlook your physical health, your spiritual health, and your mental health. Sometimes, there are unforeseeable issues that come up which require attention. Your schedule can be flexible, but only to the point that you are careful that you only change it to do something that will take you closer to your goals or rewards. Notice that there is no time set aside in my schedule for television, newspaper reading, or anything else that will not take me closer to my goals. Those activities are an enemy of success.

Start over now! ”

Everything in your life is like it is because of the choices that you have made. Everything you have done to get where you are today is already in the past and can’t be changed. All you have left is the present and the future. You have heard the phrase “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Nothing could be more truthful. Forget about the past, except for what you can learn from it. Start over today and become the person that you want to be. Begin now to create the new way of living that you desire. Your new way of life awaits you.


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Different Ways to Make Your Boobs Grow

There are just as many ways to grow boobs as there are reasons why women want their boobs bigger. One of the reasons a woman may want to have bigger boobs is maybe they didn't develop very well during puberty, and she feels inadequate against her friends who have larger breasts. Sometimes, having small breasts make a woman feel like they are a boy, and can contribute to low self esteem. Growing bigger boobs may make them feel better about themselves, and boost their confidence.

While this may not seem like a good reason for growing boobs to some people, this may be because they themselves already have decent sized breasts. One thing is for sure, if you're growing boobs, no matter how big, it better be for yourself, and not because some guy wants you to enlarge them. Guys come and go, but your boobs are there to stay. If you are wanting bigger breasts because you think some guy will love you if they are bigger, this is not a reason, and you will regret it later. It is also something you should think long and hard about as well. Some people assume that if you have big boobs you are stupid, and many will treat you that way.

Now having said that, growing boobs can be done in many ways, both quickly, and over time. The fastest way to have large breasts is to have breast implant surgery. There have been many technological advances in breast enhancements over the years, and with new materials for implants, they are easy and relatively safe for almost anyone. There are even ways to get breast implants for free, and there are some websites where all you have to do is put in your profile, make a bid of how much money you need for your boob job, and men donate to your cause. What's the catch? Well these men may want to chat online with you, and may even want something more.

There are many advertisements online that say growing boobs can be done without surgery, with creams, herbal supplements, and other different techniques. Thinking that growing boobs in this way is a good idea, there is one thing to say, buyer beware. Many of the creams and things that are offered, don't work, or can be purchased on your own for much less money, and many of the exercise techniques that are offered can be found for free. It is important when growing boobs that you look at each of these websites closely, and don't be taken in by all the hype. Many sites will try to play on your feelings of inadequacies, or low self esteem. Those that try to do this should be avoided at all costs, because these will surely make false claims. In the end, not only will you not grow boobs, but your self esteem may even plummet further.

In the end, if you are interested in growing boobs, you should first speak with your healthcare provider to find out if there are any ways they can suggest. Talk to them first before you start taking any supplements, or trying to apply any creams or lotions. Some of these may actually contain ingredients that are unhealthy, and down right dangerous.

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Ladies Do You Want To Feel Sexy? Then Try This

Sometime, things just get so darn boring. It makes you see life like a 1950s movie without a touch of color to brighten up the day. But if you thought that there's no way you can perk up, think again.

Resort to some things that will cheer you up, boost your confidence, and eventually make a life that is full of life!

For ladies out there, you may opt for a sexy bra instead of the usual types of brasseries that you have. Most fashion experts contend that wearing sexy things like a sexy bra will definitely make you feel sexy.

However, the big question is: what makes a sexy bra? Is it the material, the design, the color, or the person who is wearing it?

Some of you might prefer to answer with the latter choice in mind. But nevertheless, sexy bra is still a bra and needs a little more positive characteristics to give you the support and comfort that you need.

So, when choosing a sexy bra, it is still important to consider these following pointers so that you'll not only feel sexy but confident and comfortable as well.

1. When you want to show some flesh and your sexy bra might just do the job for you, consider the color of your tops and your sexy bra as well. Do not show beige sexy bra straps under spaghetti-strap tops.

2. Do not wear plastic strap sexy bras with halter-tops. It will not be a pretty sight even if you are wearing a sexy bra.

3. A single hook looks very neat, but it is not practical for fuller busts. A fastening with two or three hooks is much comfortable and supportive even during some hot steamy nights.

4. All straps should have adjustable levels fort the hooks to accommodate fluctuation of weight or washing changes. A stretch sexy bra with Lycra will get bigger over time and may not look sexy anymore, so does a sexy bra woven with a firm cotton material.

5. Women often wear sexy bras that are too tight thinking that it will give their breasts that needed lift. This should not be the case. A sexy bra can give you that much needed lift to show off those eye-popping cleavage at the same time fits just right. With this, you do not only look sexy but more confident.

6. Have a wardrobe of sexy bra. Think of the occasion that will call for it. Sexy bra looks good with laces on and looks even great with evening gowns or even with a simple night lingerie.

Have fun with it!

7. Remember that if your sexy bra lets your breast bulge above the cup or out of the sides near the armpits, creating lumps under the clothes, then the cups are too small.

8. On the other hand, if the cup material puckers or the breast doesn't entirely fill a molded cup, then it is just too big.

9. Likewise, if your sexy bra rides up in the back and is higher than the front, then the band is too long.

10. A nice, comfy sexy bra should never leave red marks on the skin after it's taken off because it means that your sexy bra is just too small.

11. A colorful, laced sexy bra is a definite turn-on. But remember not to wear then under a white or light-colored shirt. This will not make a good impression on you.

12. Do use a matching halter bra and pull it down with a low-back adaptor. This will definitely make you look sexy and cool.

There you have it! Just follow these simple rules on the dos and donts" of wearing a sexy bra and you'll never have an embarrassing moment. Indeed, a sexy bra partnered with a confident wearer equals a one hot summer night.

That is what chemistry is all about!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Guide to Mortgage Arrears and Property Repossession

People in todays society will have differing attitudes to debt and debt repayment. There will always be those individuals who take a very relaxed attitude to debt and debt repayment, however the vast majority will take the matter very seriously and in the case of property ownership, they will take any realistic action to make their mortgage repayments on time.

Unfortunately there will always be situations out of the control of even the most conscientious borrower. Individuals fall into arrears on their mortgage for many different reasons; accident or sickness, redundancy or unemployment, death of a spouse, insolvency or hikes in mortgage interest rates to name just a few. The most common reason for property repossession in current times can be attributed to general high levels of consumer debt. This comes in two forms, secured and unsecured debt. Whether this is due to the borrower making payments on their unsecured debts in priority over their mortgage or a level of mortgage borrowing taken out which their income cannot afford. But how can a few missed payments on the mortgage lead to property repossession? Very rarely will a property be repossessed over
an isolated incident of a couple of missed payments. The advice given to borrowers who fall behind on their mortgage repayments is to contact their lender at the earliest possible opportunity. Speedy action on the part of the borrower can often reduce the potential arrears and put them on the road to recovery. Delaying action is likely to result in increased mortgage arrears and ultimately could lead to property repossession.

Borrowers have a number of options available to them in the early stages of mortgage arrears. These will include: * Capitalising the arrears;

Paying the mortgage on an interest only basis for an agreed period. Of course this will only be an option open to those paying the mortgage on a repayment basis.

Increasing the term of the mortgage. This will take the effect of reducing the monthly payments, thus making them more affordable;

This could allow the borrower to use the cash raised to settle the arrears.

This of course is not always a viable option as it is dependant on the seller finding a buyer for the property and so on; * Surrendering an investment policy, such as an endowment or an ISA attached to the mortgage. Surrendering such policies will usually result in a significant loss to the investor as very rarely will he or she receive the full value of the policy.

Consideration must then be given as to how the mortgage will be repaid at the end of the term with no repayment vehicle; But what happens if an agreement with a lender cannot be made, or a solution found to clearing the arrears? Handing
back the keys to the lender is rarely a good idea. The borrower will still be responsible for paying the mortgage until the lender has sold the property.
This will lead to more arrears and arrears charges being made. It must also be understood that prices obtained for repossessed properties will usually
less than the market value. The lenders primary aim in this case is to sell the property as quickly as possible in order to recoup their funds. If an arrangement is not made and the arrears situation escalates then it is highly likely that the lender will seek a legal remedy through the County Courts.

The borrower will first be notified of this through a letter from the lenders solicitor. In order for the lender to take possession of a property, it is first
necessary to petition the County Court for a possession order. The borrower will usually receive a court date for the hearing. Before the County Court will even consider granting a possession order it first has to be satisfied that every avenue has been explored by the lender and borrower.

The County Court will take the view that possession should be the very last resort. The County Court may take one of three course of action: * It can grant an outright possession order. This will enable the lender to take possession of the property which will usually happen within 28 days;

This will place an obligation on the borrower to make payments in accordance with the courts decision, with the suspended possession order enforceable if the borrower fails to keep up the repayments. * It can adjourn the case until a later time.

Once a possession order has been granted the court will also decide a date on which this order is enforceable.

The lender can then take steps to take possession of the property. Once the lender has obtained vacant possession of the property, they will then follow there possession procedures which will include; changing the locks, disconnecting utility services, taking gas and electric meters and informing the local police of the possession.

Even after the property repossession, the borrower can still redeem the mortgage up until the point of sale.

This can sometimes happen if the borrower has been organising a remortgage during this process.

In the event of the lender losing money on the proceeds of the sale, it may take further action if it believes the borrower has the financial means to make good the loss.

What is a traded endowment policy TEP

A traded endowment policy TEP is an endowment policy that the original policyholder has sold by absolute assignment of all future benefits. "Traded endowment policy" is merely a fancy way of saying second-hand endowment policy. Endowment policies are long-term and relatively inflexible by their nature. Many people have found that these policies do not suit changing financial needs or circumstances. If you took out a 25-year policy but after say 15 years decide you no longer needwant the long-term savings plan or it has not performed as you expected you have a number of options Selling to a third party in the second-hand market - the TEP marketMaking the policy paid-upBorrowing against the policySurrendering the policy to the life assurance company you purchased it from For a variety of reasons many policyholders cash in their policies early. According to the Association of Policy Market Makers only around 30 of all endowment policies actually reach maturity. A further 30 are cancelled in the first few years of their intended lifespan. The 40 that neither last the full term nor get cancelled are either sold or surrendered somewhere along the way. Why would I sell my policy rather than surrender it For the obvious reason! You may have decided for whatever reason that your endowment policy is no longer relevant to your financial circumstances. It follows logically that you will therefore want to get as big a return from your investment into the endowment policy as you possibly can. First you should approach your life assurance company to find out how much the policy will be worth if you surrender it. This "surrender value" may or may not be more than you have actually paid in to the policy. Indeed you may be unpleasantly surprised by how low this is. Endowment policies generally take approximately 5-7 years before their cash-in values match and then exceed the amounts of money invested although this performance cannot be guaranteed. You may well be familiar with the press coverage about why this is so - commissions to the sales people administration charges fund management costs etc. The key point is that long-term contracts rarely offer especially attractive short-term encashment values. This is where the traded endowment policy TEP market may help. There may be a substantial difference between a quoted surrender value and a policys underlying worth if held to maturity. Through the TEP market policyholders may be able to sell unwanted policies and buyers with the initial capital to invest and the income to meet future regular premium commitments may buy them mid-term with entitlement to all the potential future benefits. Why would my endowment policy be worth more in a sale Surrendering a policy is unlikely to produce a return reflecting the policys full potential value if only because the terminal bonus paid on maturity while not guaranteed usually represents a large chunk of the policys return. In fact policies surrendered early may not even reflect the full value of funds invested owing to high initial charges. The reason the traded endowment policy market exists is because surrender values do not always reflect the full potential inherent worth of policies as long-term continuing contracts. Analysis for the Association of British Insurers by Tillinghast-Towers Perrin in 2002 showed that the charges the reduction in yield on a mortgage endowment policy held for 25 years were equivalent to an average of 1.5 of the value of the policy. However if the policy is cashed in after three years the charges on it represent almost a third of the policys value on average. The alternative option if the policy is suitable is sale through a market-maker or the auctioning of the policy through an auctioneer. In either case the policyholder is likely to realize a higher cash sum than through surrender. The Association of Policy Market Makers admits that surrender values may not always be beaten but where they are policyholders realise an average of 10-15 in excess of surrender value. Will somebody want to buy my endowment policy Most saleable policies must be traditional with-profits type endowments or whole of life contracts issued by major UK life assurance companies which have already run for at least five yearsand have a surrender value of at least £1500 Anyone wanting to sell a policy - or at least get a quote for what might be on offer - needs to provide the following information or give written authority for the market maker to obtain these details from the life company the name of the life company and the policy numberthe name of the life assured youcommencement and intended maturity datesthe "basic sum assured"gross regular premiumsquoted surrender value at a recent dateamounts of attaching annual bonuses at the same date On receipt of all the relevant details an offer to purchase or a reason why the policy is not suitable will usually be made within a couple of days. Payment will normally take a few weeks to account for all the paperwork and exchange-of-ownership declarations that have to be completed between the market maker and the original insurer. Policies sold or auctioned are assigned to the investors who purchase them and who then take on the responsibility for the payment of future premiums. When the policy reaches maturity or the life assured dies all the benefits are paid to the investor owning the policy. Do I face a tax bill if I sell my endowment policy If you are the original beneficial owner of the policy that is to say if you were the person who took it out unless you are a higher rate taxpayer there is generally no tax liability on the proceeds of the sale or auction of the policy. As you may be aware income tax will already have been paid on any dividend income generated by the policys equity investments. When you sell a policy that you originally took out and have paid premiums for at least ten years or at least three quarters of the policy if sooner you should have no income tax liability irrespective of your tax rate and nor will you be liable to Capital Gains Tax. Does a traded endowment policy make sense as an investment Why would anyone want to buy anyone elses unwanted endowment policy Surely they are selling the policy because it has underperformed or is in some other way unsuitable. Either or both may be true. That does not mean that a traded endowment policy TEP does not make sense as an investment to others. TEPs may not sound exciting but for thinking investors they may be ideal vehicles for building capital to meet future financial needs or obligations at a fixed time in the future. They may be used to provide future lump sums tailored to specific needs. Popular uses - albeit not exclusive - include 18th or 21st birthdays school or university fees and general savings as part of a wider portfolio of investments. TEPs appeal is based on the fact that they are backed by the strength and proven performance of leading UK life assurance companies with exposure to a broad range of asset classes and in theory offer steady and stable growth prospects. TEPs ideally suit investors who are looking for a combination of relative safety and security together with growth potential although due to their exposure to the performance of the equity market they may not get back the full value of their investment. Such investors are often wary of investing directly in stocks and shares or other equity-linked vehicles such as unit trusts investment trusts and OIECs. In most circumstances TEP investors can rest safe in the knowledge that they cannot lose any of their initial investment provided they continue to pay the remaining due premiums and keep the policy in force until its stated maturity date. This is because the basic "sum assured" and annual bonuses allocated by the time of purchase are guaranteed - i.e. "locked in" and together are likely to be worth more than the initial purchase price. In addition the expenses incurred in the early years commission and other costs have been absorbed already by the original policyholder. Whats the tax situation for TEP investors A traded endowment policy TEP can be regarded as an asset just like any other investment and may therefore be potentially subject to Capital Gains Tax CGT on profits made over the period it is held. However the tax situation with TEPs can be more complex than this. There are two different classes of TEP for tax purposes qualifying and non-qualifying. Non-qualifying means the policy has not been certified by the Inland Revenue to benefit from specific income tax exemption. Qualifying TEP proceeds whether at maturity death of the life assured or resale of the policy are normally liable to CGT. However depending on your individual tax circumstances if a non-qualifying TEP is chosen to meet your requirements you may be liable to income tax on the proceeds instead of CGT. Furthermore if you hold a qualifying policy and sell it within 10 years or three quarters of its term it will no longer be classed as a qualifying policy and may therefore give rise to tax liability. If you hold a qualifying TEP CGT is payable on any capital gain - the maturity value less purchase cost and premiums paid since purchase. Your CGT liability may be mitigated by taper relief on TEPs purchased after 5 April 1998 and by your annual CGT allowance. Non-qualifying TEPs are taxed under income tax rules and are subject to top-slicing relief. The chargeable gain is calculated by deducting total premiums paid including those of the original policyholder from the maturity value. Higher rate taxpayers will then face tax on the amount of chargeable gain at the difference between higher and basic rates of taax 18 in 2007 08. For basic rate taxpayers the chargeable gain is divided by the number of whole years the policy has run. This figure is the top-slice. The top-slice is then added to all other taxable income received in the same tax year. If total income including the top-slice is below the higher rate tax threshold no tax is payable. However if the addition of the top-slice takes the taxpayer above the higher rate threshold then the proportion of the slice falling over the threshold is applied to the total chargeable gain and this amount is subject to income tax at the difference between basic and higher rates.

What Is Endowment Policy?

Endowment policies cover the risk for a specified period at the end of which the sum assured is paid back to the policyholder along with all the bonus accumulated during the term of the policy.

It is this feature - the payment of the endowment to the policyholder upon the completion of the policy’s term - which rightly accounts for the popularity of endowment policies.

Typically, one’s responsibility for the financial protection of the family reduces significantly once the children are grown up and independently settled.

The focus then shifts to managing a smaller family - perhaps only oneself and one’s spouse - after retirement.

This is where the endowment - the original sum assured and the accumulated bonus - received back comes handy.

You can either use the endowment amount for buying an annuity policy to generate a monthly pension for the whole life, or put it in any other suitable investment of your choice.

This is the major benefit of an endowment policy over a whole life one.

Do's and Don'ts For Finding a Cheap Loan You Can Rely On

If you see an advertisement for a cheap loan which seems too good to be true, it may well be. Here are some top tips for spotting the potential pitfalls of loan offers and finding the right cheap loan for you.

DO: Compare loans

Lenders often categorise their loan offers as excellent deals, when in fact you could do a lot better if you took the time to compare loans across a range of different providers before choosing one, supposedly 'cheap', loan.

DON'T: Mistake 'typical APR' for a fixed rate or average rate

APR is an acronym for 'annual percentage rate', meaning the interest rate for the whole year. It's easy to make the mistake of assuming the 'typical APR' is the precise interest rate you will pay on your cheap loan. In fact, this term refers to the interest rate offered to at least 66 per cent of applicants for that particular loan. Due to your own personal circumstances and credit history, you may be offered a higher rate than the 'typical APR', or you might not be able to take out the loan you want at all.

DON'T: Ignore the other charges

While the 'typical APR' is a good place to start when searching for cheap loans, there are often other charges involved when taking out a loan, and you also need to consider payment protection insurance. Take all of these things into account when you compare loans and you will get a much clearer picture of what the different lenders are offering.

DO: Check your credit card report

Take a look at your credit card report before embarking on a cheap loan agreement. Your credit card report will reveal how you will look to lenders when applying for a loan. You will also benefit by seeing if there are any errors and correcting them before you make an application. This will give you the best possible chance of being approved for a cheap loan.

DON'T: Be taken in by 'payment holidays'

Sometimes, lenders will offer a 'payment holiday' which allows you to start paying off the loan later, perhaps after three months, instead of having to start making payments straight away. Unless this is really necessary, it tends to be better to turn down this offer, because future repayments will become larger to compensate for this initial holiday, and your total amount payable will also be higher.

DO: Read the small print

Before entering into a loan agreement, you need to know exactly what you are signing up for, and banks are required to tell you all the important terms and conditions. You should read through these carefully and not be afraid to ask as many questions as you need, to help you understand exactly what your 'cheap loan' will mean for you.

DO: Look out for 'delivery charges'

In order to secure your business, certain lenders offer a service where they can send a cheque straight to you by courier, or transfer the loan into your account instantly or by the end of the day. However, this will often mean you have to pay an extra 'delivery charge', so unless you really need the loan immediately it might be better to say 'no' and keep your 'cheap loan' as cheap as possible.